Adept Garage Doors and Gates is Logan City's Top 3 in Home and Trade Services
The Logan Chamber of Commerce Business Distinction Awards was held a fortnight ago on Friday 11th August 2023. The awards have been...

Broken Springs? Give Adept Garage Doors and Gates a ring ☎️
Have you ever heard a garage door spring break? It is a LOUD bang, some say it sounds like a gun shot or a car back firing. Once the...

Garage Door Safety Colouring Competition
May is Garage Door Safety Awareness Month Adept Garage Doors and Gates has created this colouring in competition for children 14 years...
Adept Garage Doors and Gates 12 Days of Christmas - 8th Day
On the 8th Day of Christmas Adept Garage Doors and Gates will give to you... [Safety Product Information] We can provide safety features...

Adept Garage Doors and Gates 12 Days of Christmas - 5th & 6th Day
On the 5th Day of Christmas we had a technical glitch by turning on the Christmas lights. So for the 5th and 6th Day of Christmas Adept...

Adept Garage Doors and Gates 12 Days of Christmas - 3rd Day
Santa Claus is coming to town! In today's day and age Santa wont be coming down the chimney, he most likely will be coming through the...

Adept Garage Doors & Gates 12 Days of Christmas - 2nd Day
On the 2nd Day of Christmas Adept Garage Doors & Gates will give to you... **10% off Garage Door Motors booked for January** Contact us...

Adept Garage Doors and Gates 12 Days of Christmas - 1st Day
'Tis the season to be jolly! Adept Garage Doors and Gates will be spreading the joy this month with our 12 Days of Christmas countdown....

Will this happen to your garage door?
Have you had your garage door serviced recently? Garage doors and gates require regular servicing and maintenance by an experienced...

What should you consider when buying a new garage door?
Your garage door is the largest moving object and entry point in you home. It's important to consider the following when buying a new garage